Spring is Sprunging!

Wow! I do believe I have never been more appreciative of the little crocuses coming up in the garden! The first flowers of spring! The Aspen are going to seed, the tulips are pushing their way up, the perineals are greening up: Spring is trying to be here! Of course, in Colorado we usually get a big wet snowstorm sometime from mid-March through early-April. According to the Farmers Almanac we should expect "The Storm of the Century" this March. The Farmer's Almanac makes me nervous: it's based on over a hundred years of statistical data.
Other good news: my niece Teri is engaged! Woo hoo! Finally! She's known the guy for a loooong time, and they've been dating for a loooonnnng time... So it looks like I'll be out in California in September :-D
Sad news: Stubby died. Of course she died while we were out of town - like any good old cat. She had a critical renal failure episode in Christmas 2005, and another in the Spring of 2006: but lived over 14 months after they gave her only a 3% chance of living. And she was active, happy, and just being herself. She had been getting frail, and we both knew time was short... but she was happy :-) We miss her terribly: even little Molly was utterly depressed and grumpy for a week (what we call a "cat month").
Well, have a wonderful Spring!